The Strangers Club is fortunate enough to have reciprocal membership arrangement, and access, to a selection of other Private Members Clubs across the UK and abroad.
Our members are allowed to visit other clubs (subject to their terms) and are likely to show and provide their membership cards – in some cases contacting the club they would like to visit in advance.
The Strangers Club is affiliated, and offers reciprocal membership with:
69 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4ER
Telephone: 020 7629 5462
Accommodation available - Obtain a Strangers Club Proof of Membership card signed by the President or Hon Secretary before visiting.
Telephone: 0845 224 1781
Please contact the Eccentric Club to attend.
42 Crutched Friars, London EC3N 2AP
Telephone: 020 7167 6682
Obtain a Strangers Club Proof of Membership card signed by the President or Hon Secretary before visiting.
10 Northgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1HQ
Telephone: 01284 750969
Please book directly with the Farmers Club for car park entry and Obtain a Strangers Club Proof of Membership card signed by the President or Hon Secretary before visiting.
17 Upper King St, Norwich NR3 1RB
Telephone: 01603 626 767
Reciprocal is for accommodation only
207 East Terrace, Adelaide, SA500, Australia
Telephone: +61 0882233213
Accommodation available; ask the President or Hon Secretary for an introduction and contact names will be provided.