Apply for Membership

The Strangers’ Club always welcomes new Members. You may join at any time.

Occasionally, the Club hosts open evenings where those who may be interested in joining can visit the Club to meet Members.

If you are interested in joining, you can either be introduced by a current Member, or if you prefer, fill out all the sections of the Membership Application Form below, providing as much detail as possible to help us assess your application.

If you prefer a printable form, you can download an application form.

The Strangers’ Club welcomes applications for membership, however you need to be aware of the following points before you apply:

  • You should be a male person and over 21 years of age.
  • Ideally you should know two current members of the Club, to propose and second you. They would also invite you to lunch at the Club to meet the President or his Deputy.
  • Your application is reviewed by the Club Committee and if endorsed, posted on the Club Notice Board for 14 days along with a brief resume of your application being shared with the membership, before your election to the Club is finally approved.
  • You are required to pay a joining fee and an annual subscription (adjusted according to the date of joining in the first year). The Membership Secretary can give you information on the types of membership and associated subscriptions.

Whether you apply through a Member, or by form, you will be invited to lunch in the Club with the President or another member of the Committee.

Your application will then be reviewed by our Membership Secretary and Membership Committee.

They will advise you as soon as your application is confirmed and send you all enrolment details and advice on submitting your initial subscription.

Your Details

Home Address

Contact Information

Education and Work

Your Application

Are you being proposed by a member? (required)

I wish to become a member of the Strangers’ Club Limited and I agree if elected to be bound by The Memorandum and Articles of Association & By Laws of the Club, which may be seen on the Club website